Event Category: Special Event

ArtsThursdays: Ancient Game Night

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, 6 Divinity Ave, Cambridge MA Free In-Person Special Event Join us for a free night of friendly competition at the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. Come with a date, come with friends, or make new friends while strolling through the galleries.  Free and open to the public….

Science Spotlights: Highways and Cars in Your Brain and Some Like it Hot… But Why?

Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Classroom B, Third Floor In-Person Presentation Meet up-and-coming scientists and learn about questions at the forefront of research today in this series of short talks. 2:00–2:30 pm Highways and Cars in Your Brain Did you know that some neurons can stretch nearly a meter long? They also…

Family Activities at the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East

Free In-Person Event 12:00–2:30 PM Join HMSC volunteers for hands-on, family-friendly activities and a live story reading at the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Recommended for ages 5–12. Admission to the museum is free. Story Time reading begins at 2:00 pm. This event will occur on each of the following dates: Sunday, January…

Teotihuacan: Origins, Urbanism, and Daily Life

2025 Gordon R. Willey Lecture Location: Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge David M. Carballo, Professor of Anthropology, Archaeology, and Latin American Studies, Boston University Teotihuacan, one of the largest cities in the world over 1,500 years ago, stands today as a premier archaeological site and a powerful symbol of Mexico’s precolonial heritage. Despite…

The Art and Science of Mushrooms-SOLD OUT

In–Person Workshop Instructors: Artist and Educator Erica Beade and Rachel Swenie, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Location: Harvard Museum of Natural History, Classroom B (Third Floor) Price: $50 members / $60 nonmembers This class is full. Please email Reservations to be added to the waitlist. Learn about the science of…

Amazing Archaeology Fair at Harvard

Location: Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology (11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge) and Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge) Leer en español Venture on archaeological expeditions around the world in this annual event for all ages. Talk with archaeologists who study ancient Egyptians, Incas, prehistoric peoples, and others. Try ancient cuneiform…

Sea Monsters on Maps: Myth, Mystery, and Marine Life

squid drawing

Free Hybrid Special Event Location: Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA Peter Girguis, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Chet Van Duzer, Lazarus Project, University of Rochester Advance registration recommended. Free event parking at 52 Oxford Street Garage. For centuries, sea monsters have adorned maps, serving as both warnings and wonders of…

Inside the Temple of Murals: Teen Saturdays Workshop–Registration Closed

ancient maya fresco from a museum

Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge Leer en español In-Person Youth Program Saturday, April 12, 2025, 1:00–3:30 pm Advance registration required Join us for an immersive virtual reality workshop at the Harvard Peabody Museum, where teens can discover the fascinating art of the ancient Maya through the Bonampak murals located in…

Exploring Wampum Traditions with Elizabeth James-Perry Morning Session

In-Person Special Event Click here for the afternoon session Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge Price: $30 members / $35 nonmembers Advanced Registration Required Join Elizabeth James-Perry in an exploration of wampum, an integral part of Native American history, culture, and artistry. In this program, James-Perry, a member of the Aquinnah…

Exploring Wampum Traditions with Elizabeth James-Perry Afternoon Session

In-Person Special Event Click here for the morning session Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge Price: $30 members / $35 nonmembers Advanced Registration Required Join Elizabeth James-Perry in an exploration of wampum, an integral part of Native American history, culture, and artistry. In this program, James-Perry, a member of the Aquinnah…