Science Spotlights: Black Holes and Canine Friends

Two women peering at tableware in the Resetting The Table exhibit

Harvard Museum of Natural History, Classroom B (Third Floor), 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Special In-Person Presentations

Meet up-and-coming scientists and learn about questions at the forefront of research today in this series of short talks.

Regular museum admission rates apply.

2:00–2:30 pm The Goldilocks of Black Holes 

Speaker: Ernesto Camacho, Post Doctoral Student, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

What exactly is a black hole? Do they come in different sizes? Are they dangerous? Scientists have many unanswered questions about these amazing astronomical objects. Join Harvard astronomer Ernesto Camacho Iniguez as he addresses these and other big questions while sharing his curiosity for the universe and his research on the elusive “Goldilocks” black hole. 

3:00–3:30 pm Canine Friends 

Speaker: Olivia Reilly, Post Doctoral Student, Evolutionary Neuroscience Lab

Having a strong friendship with your dog might help you feel less stressed, but is the same true for your dog? Dogs benefit humans in many ways, but we don’t know as much about how dogs are influenced by us. Join Dr. Olivia Reilly for a discussion on how she studies both sides of child-dog friendships, and the specific ways in which we investigate how our dogs feel about us.

Head shots of scientists Ernesto Camacho Iniguez and Dr. Olivia Reilly.