Becoming Invisible in the Ocean: The Story of a Hawaiian Squid

Two women peering at tableware in the Resetting The Table exhibit
April 17, 2018
Margaret McFall-Ngai, Professor and Director, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa

Until recently, biologists considered bacteria to be pathogens that negatively affected the health of humans and other animals. Over the last decade, however, scientists have discoveredthat most animals live with bacteria in mutually beneficial relationships. Using the Hawaiian bobtail squid and its bioluminescent bacterial partner as a model, Margaret McFall-Ngai will address how animals select their bacteria—sometimes thousands of species—and how they maintain “diplomatic relations” with these microbial organisms.

Evolution Matters Lecture Series supported by a generous gift from Drs. Herman and Joan Suit.