In-Person Special Event
Meet up-and-coming scientists and learn about questions at the forefront of research today in this series of short talks.
2:00 pm
Exploring Other Worlds with Victoria DiTomasso, Center for Astrophysics
Take a look at distant planets outside of the Solar System! Retrace the steps to the discovery of the first so-called exoplanet, and see how astronomers like DiTomasso use the movement of stars to learn about the exoplanets that revolve around them.
3:00 pm
Tales of Zircon: Adventures in Understanding Deep Time with Dr. Heather Kirkpatrick, Drabon Group
Geologists use the rock record to understand what the Earth was like millions of years ago. But what happens when we explore periods of history so long ago that we no longer have these rocks? Kirkpatrick will discuss her work on using the chemistry of minerals to understand these long-ago times in Earth’s history.
Ages 10–Adults.
Free with regular museum admission.